The Grief Empowerment Theory
The show discusses repurposing your negative energy and using it as fuel to find a better version of yourself.
The Grief Empowerment Theory
Retired Saints Never Really Retire
When your life's calling is to help others, it means that sometimes you go from one circumstance to another. Ada Malave, has made that transition. Retiring from her previous government employment, Ada now brings her years of experience to the realm of life coaching.
Certifying and learning life coaching techniques as well as grief management methods, Ada continues her life of service by combining her skills as both a life and grief coach. Using both her personal experience, life and grief coaching expertize, gives Ada the needed compassion, knowledge, and ability to help her clients better navigate the challenges associated with many aspects of life and grief.
Thank you for listening to Give Grief the Finger.
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Transform your grief and use it to your advantage.