The Grief Empowerment Theory

Enjoying Holland

J. Lewis III

Imagine you are planning to go to Paris for vacation, but when you land in Europe, you’re in Holland. My guest felt that way 14 years ago when he and his wife brought their daughter into the world. He soon found that his daughter had a rare genetic abnormality called Pfeiffer Syndrome. Since then, my guest Mr. Jerry Carchi has become an advocate for children with special needs, an instructor, and an author, using his platform to bring awareness to the public about Pfeiffer Syndrome and other types of special needs. He has turned his circumstance into a mission. Every Thursday, the Giving Grief the Middle Finger show discusses how to use negative situations and transform them into fuel for positive forward progress. Using what is known as “mental Judo” to flip negative grief outlooks into positive benefits, the show discusses how to change perspective on a matter and use that matter to find a better version of self.   Jerry Carchi's Children's book titled: 

Princess Sydney Strong: What Makes Me Different

Thank you for listening to Give Grief the Finger.
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Transform your grief and use it to your advantage.

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